Thursday, July 9, 2020

Life is Beautiful

Life is Beautiful Sooner or later everyone wants to find an answer what he or she lives for. The majority of us is trying to understand the meaning of human life. During thousands of years the mankind tried to answer the question, what the meaning of life is and what life itself is – pleasure or suffering. As concerning the meaning of life, every person should execute his or her own program. Since programs for all people are different, the meaning of life is different as well. All people want to find marital happiness, experience true love, have reliable friends, etc. Life is really beautiful, because we are masters of our fate and creators of our happiness. We should take certain decisions that change our destiny in one way or another every day, every hour, every minute. The true purpose of life is to do as many good deeds as possible. The main protection for any person is kindness of the soul. And our main goal is not to hurt anyone, either directly or indirectly. The meaning of human life is to give love, kindness and warmth, receiving joy, smiles and human gratitude in return. We must be tolerant and kind to others, love this world, enjoy each passing day in order to be happy not only when receiving something, but sharing something as well. Take a look around life is beautiful! Love this world, love all mankind, love all creatures! We are here to live our life with dignity. Always remember that all difficulties are only tests to be endured and make us stronger. Only we can decide how to live. And only we are able to realize that life is beautiful.